Stand by me - Project

Stand by Me
Project: To be done in groups of five or six. Each member of the group can take on a different part of the project. Each group will hand in a total of (6) six tasks.
All assignments to be completed and handed in: Monday 2/2/2015

1. Imagine you are part of a marketing team and you have been asked to promote “Stand by Me”. Make a poster of the film. You can make it either on a large piece of paper, you can use glogster or any other internet/computer application you want.  Include:
a. photo/photos
 b. information  on: director/producer/scriptwriter/actors

2. Write a summary of the film’s plot

3. Choose one of the main characters of the film and write a diary entry from their point of view.

4. You’re a film critic for a teenage magazine. Write a film review of “Stand by Me”. You should refer to the handout “Writing a film review”.

5. Prepare a mini ppt presentation or poster on the importance of friendship. First refer to the Brainstorming worksheet 1 (to be completed in class) and then decide what your presentation or poster will be like

6. Answer the comprehension questions on worksheet 2 (see below) This task can be shared among members of your group.

Worksheet 2
Comprehension questions
1.     What reasons do you think there might be for the writer to remember this particular experience?
2.     What do you think it is that binds the four of children together?
3.     At times they seem to hate each other, throwing insults around whilst later making it up. Try to give some reasons for them being friends. Would you say that it gives a realistic picture of friendships? Are female friendships different to this?
4.     What would you say are the qualities of a good friend?
5.     Why do you think that people form groups or gangs? What is it about them that appeals to people?
6.     Why do you think the group of elder boys are bothered about the younger boys? Surely they are nothing to them? Why should they not simply ignore them? They are always trying to prove something but what are they trying to prove?
7.     Is there a difference in the way that the young boys relate to each other in their group and the way that Ace and the older boys relate to each other?
8.     Why do you think that the four boys set out to find the dead body?
9.     Do you think that Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern all have the same reasons for setting out on the journey. Try to say what you think that each boy's reason might be.
10. How do we see Gordie's family reacting to him in the film? How important do you think his brother was to him? Are there any reasons for his parents to be proud of him? What reasons do his parents find to be ashamed of him?

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