Hunger Games!


The movie “The Hunger Games” is a fantasy-adventure film based upon the novel written by Suzan Collins. The story takes place in a future dystopia called Panem, a country built in the ruins of North America after a terrible civil war. Panem consists of the Capitol, a large city with wealth and power and twelve districts. One day, the (once thirteen) districts rebelled against the capitol and the result of the civil war that followed found the 13th District destroyed and the other twelve defeated. The Capitol then forced them to send each year a boy and a girl aged 12-18 years old to participate in the Hunger Games, a TV show where the tributes are abandoned in an arena specially designed and forced to kill each other until only one is alive. The main protagonist, Katniss Everdeen is participating at the 74 Games because she volunteered to take her little sister’s place as she was chosen in the Reaping. Her only allies in her fight are Peeta Mellark, her fellow tribute, Haymitch, her mentor and the gifts provided by sponsors. Eventually she will experience the pain of her friends’ death and she will understand how the Games work and who the real enemy is.
I first saw this film because I am always attracted by fantasy worlds and therefore enjoy this kind of movies. Before viewing it, I had no idea of what to expect. However, the film captured my interest and I became a true fan of the series. My favourite part of the movie was Katniss’ team up with Rue, a little girl against the “career tributes” and Rue’s passing as well as her district’s reactions to it, a part that really touched me.
   On the other hand, the film might be interesting as a fantasy story but who knows? Maybe one day, if the people aren’t careful enough  the world may as well be a dystopia like Panem in the future.

Also I must say that, like the movie, the book is also very interesting providing us with answers unanswered questions we may have after watching the movie
  All in all, I must say that “The Hunger Games” and its sequels are creating a whole new fantastic universe with brave and fascinating characters and an attractive storyline which electrifies crowds of all ages when watching them as well as when reading them


            The hunger games, directed by Gary Ross, is an adventure film based on Suzanne Collins’  novel of the same name. The film, which was released in 2012 is the 14th-highest-grossing film, the highest-grossing film released outside the summer or holiday period.
            The film is about The hunger games in which, each district of the 12th must provide two "tributes" - one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 selected by lottery (the "Reaping") every year to compete. They must fight to the death in an arena, with the sole survivor rewarded with fame and wealth. In District 12, when Prim Everdeen is chosen in her first Reaping, her older sister Katniss (jeniffer Lawrence), an expert archer, volunteers to take her place. Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson,), a baker's son, is selected as the other district tribute. Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol accompanied by their mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, a past District 12 victor and heavy drinker, and chaperone Effie Trinket. The Games begin with the tributes positioned in front of weapons and supplies piled in and around a structure called the Cornucopia. Katniss ignores Haymitch's advice to avoid the temptation, and barely escapes death in the inevitable melee over the supplies; eleven others are not so lucky. After many fights and the loss of Katniss’ friend Rue the rules change and now tributes from the same district can win as a team. As a result Katniss runs immediately to seek for Peeta and finds him in not so good condition. In the end they arrive at the Cornucopia, where they find the only survivor, Cato. After a big fight they manage to win and get him killed. With Peeta and Katniss apparently victorious, the rule change is suddenly revoked.. She instead gives him half of poisonous berries they collected. Before they can commit suicide, the couple is hastily proclaimed the victors of the 74th Hunger Games.
            Although the plot becomes a little complicated towards the end of the film and rather tiring for the viewer to keep up with the developments this doesn’t affect at all the work as a whole. The cast is faultless and suitable for this movie. It is as thrilling and smart as terrifying. It is a movie that most teens will like as it deals
simoultaneously with fighting, young love and changing the rules.
            The Hunger Games is an exciting film which has gained success all over the world. I would definitely recommend it to adventure lovers.

By Sophia Kontou

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