If I were world leader - Speeches

A friend, a mother, a home.
Our planet has a history of 4.5 billion years and it has endured our actions for just 30000, yet the consequences have made our existence clear. Pollution issues ought to be our first topic in our agenda yet we keep letting it affect our own lives. Everyday a war starts, an industry throws its waste in the water, oil is overused, mountains and forests are eradicated, yet we believe that we have the right to ignore our world and the world of the next generations. How are we going to solve war, sexist, economic, humanitarian problems when we do not respect our own home?
More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to safe drinking water and 5000 die every day as a result of drinking unclean water. It is our duty to protect these people and not contribute to their murder. And as killing the human race were not enough, 1 million mammals and seabirds are led to death due to our actions. Lastly if any of these have reduced you into tears, what if I tell you that more than 3 million children under the age of 5 die every year because of environmental factors that they are not responsible for? That these immature beings are just the 10% of the world’s pollution but yet they are 40% prone to global disease? These children, also known as the next generation of this planet, are murdered harshly by each one of us. We are guilty of murdering the future, the life, the hope.  We deserve our forthcoming brutal sentence. But do we really?
I see people, organizations, actions, discussions, flyers, articles, briefings, advertisements, announcements, movies, books taking a step forward and making their appearance timidly. I hear passionate speeches and words, one voice becoming louder. I feel warmth and love, belief and loyalty. I taste the water and it is clean. I do not allow myself to believe that the land I am walking on will be devastated because of the same people who tried, are trying and will always try to protect it. Let other people see that picture, be a part of it and taste the same water.

Katerina Mantaka


To begin with being the leader of the world would require being very powerful and influential. It would be very difficult, but I think that changing how people think and behave would make a massive difference. Our attitude and behaviour shapes the world around us, so if we can try to change this for the better, we could live in a better world.
 For instance, if more people knew about the important role our environment plays in being able to provide us with food, fresh water and clean air, they would care for the planet much more than they already do. I feel it’s very important that we understand where all our resources come from.
Another serious factor that I would like to point out is that  I would help governments to come together and help the millions of people in our planet living in extreme poverty. There are so many children, who don’t get enough food or water each day. They can’t go to school and learn all the significant knowledge like us. The key to success is to co-operate and assist each other. Therefore we can all make a little difference and lots of little differences can make a big difference to people’s lives.

What would you change if you had the chance?
Πανος Πουλιος

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