Sunday, 23 April 2017

Flocabulary - Industrial Revolution

Flocabulary - Industrial Revolution from Michael O'Rourke on Vimeo.

The Industrial Revolution
  1. Let’s warm up! Brainstorm and together let’s write down as many words or ideas that we can that have to do with the industrial revolution. Look at the pictures to help you get on a roll! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. A. Ok! Are you ready to rap? Let’s listen to a rap about the industrial revolution and see what we can get out of it! While you’re listening try to keep notes for the questions in exercise B.
  3. B. Which inventions are referred to in the song?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write down the names of people who stood out during the industrial revolution. What were they famous for?
  1. In pairs, read through your copy of the rap song (Handout 1) and answer the following questions. First pair to answer all the questions, wins…(my appreciation and respect!!!)  By the way there’s a mini-glossary at the end of the lyrics to help you.
1. What was improved upon to give people more food?
2. What happened to the population after farming technology improved?
3. What did James Watt invent?
4. What was the 19th century version of texting?
5. Where did many children work during the Industrial Revolution?
6. What was another common alternative industrial job to working in a textile mill?
7. What horrible injury was common if you were messing around in a textile mill?
8. Where did the working class families live in the big cities?
9. What type of economy did Adam Smith write about in The Wealth of Nations?
10. What type of economy did Karl Marx believe in?

  1. Now, work in groups of 4 (The guys behind you will do). Read the paragraphs on HANDOUT 2. Decide which lyrics the paragraphs refer to. Remember you don’t need to understand every single word to do this exercise. Use your brain (if you brought it in today). Deduce (guess the meaning) and skim read to get the gist. (10)
a.                                          d.
b.                                          e.
Homework (To be handed in next week)
Yes, homework again! In groups choose either task A, B, C, D or E.
Task A
Do some research and write a short article about child labour and working conditions during the industrial revolution. (150-180 words)
Task B
Imagine you were either a child, a worker or a woman during the Industrial revolution in London. Write about a day in your life (as if it was an extract from your diary) (150-180 words)
Task C
Make a poster advertising the most important inventions of the industrial revolution. Make sure to label the inventions on your poster and explain what they were used for.
Task D
18th century literature!!!! Find information on the most important writers and/ or poets, representative of the industrial revolution. Choose one or two of them and prepare a presentation to bring to class.
Task E
Make either a collage or draw a picture that you think is representative of the Industrial revolution.

The Cranberries - Zombie

Task 1.
a. Read the title of the song and write down 10 words that you associate with it.
b. In pairs, compare your lists with your partner.
"Zombie" By The Cranberries
Another head hangs 1.________,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such 2.________,
Who are we mistaken?
But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.
In your head, in your head they are 3.________,
With their 4._________ and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are 5.___________...
In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...
Another mother's breakin',
6._________ is taking over.
When the vi'lence causes silence,
We must be 7._________.
It's the same old theme since 8.__________.
In your head, in your head they're still 9.____________,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are 10.___________...
In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a...

Task 2.
In pairs,
a. read the lyrics of the song and discuss if any words from your lists were
included in it.
b. try to guess the missing words.

Task 3.
Now, listen to the song and check your answers.

Task 4.
a. In pairs, scan the text and underline as many words as you can that create
antiwar imagery.
b. Which war do you think the song refers to? How do you know?

Task 5.
In groups of four, compare Picasso’s “Guernica” to The Cranberries “Zombie”.
Which of the two art forms do you think is stronger in sending an antiwar
message. Why? Keep notes and report back to class.

Task 6.
a. Watch the video clip of Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”. Keep
notes of how it makes you feel
b. In pairs, discuss which of the two songs had a stronger effect on you?
c. Do you think that a video clip can change the way we feel?

Work in Groups. Choose one of the following tasks.

Task 7.
Write a paragraph describing how you would design a video clip for “Zombie”.

Task 8.
Using your notes in Task 5 write an article comparing Picasso’s “Guernica” to
The Cranberries’ “Zombie”.

Task 9.
Illustrate the song! Make a picture/drawing inspired by the title of either of the two
songs and present it to class.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Guernica - a 3D representation

A lesson on Picasso's Guernica with a variety of projects. From anti-war artwork, to Picasso biographies and original Journals by Guernica survivors all from the student;s of C' class.
The starting point  was the video below along with a text describing the artistist's inspiration.

Guernica 3D from GaliciaCAD on Vimeo.

Task 1.
a. Read the title of the article and write down 10 words that you associate with it.
b. Work in pairs. Compare your list with your partner.
Task 2.
a. In pairs, read the article and discuss if any words from your lists were
included in it.
b. What information do you think is missing? Discuss with your partner.
The artist’s eye
It was 1937. Spain, Pablo Picasso's home country was suffering from
a civil war, while he was living in Paris. On April 26th, the Spanish
government sent planes to bombard a small village in northern Spain
called Guernica. Guernica was completely destroyed. 1600 civilians were
killed. A._____________
Picasso was stunned by the photographs. He rushed
to his studio, where he quickly sketched the first images for the mural he
would call “Guernica”.
The cubist painting by Picasso, called “Guernica”, is an immense black
and white mural painted in oil. The mural depicts a scene of death,
violence, brutality, and helplessness. It shows the suffering people and
animals experience in the violence and chaos of a war. The overall scene is
within a room. There are humans, animals and buildings in this scene but
there seems to be no background. B.________ . On the right, there is
another woman trapped in a burning building.
The painting is very large: 349 x 776 cm. Despite its great size, it was
painted in less than two months. Picasso was so angry about what had
happened in Guernica that he wanted everybody to immediately take notice
of the brutal event. All the figures in the painting seem to be crammed
together and their mouths are open as though they are crying out.
C_______ .
D._______ The public who look at the picture must interpret the symbols as
they understand them”. Even though opinions about the exact meaning of
the images of the painting are numerous, there is no doubt that the
painting sends a strong antiwar message, not only about what happened in
Guernica but about the kind of suffering that takes place in any war.

Task 3.
Now, read the article in detail and put the missing paragraphs in place. Check
your answers.
1. On the left side of the painting we can see a mother holding her dead child.
A wide-eyed bull stands over the woman. At the bottom lies a fallen soldier,
still holding his broken sword from which a flower grows. In the centre
above the soldier is a horse whose body is pierced with a spear.
2. The next day, George Steer, a reporter working for The Times revealed the
destruction. By May, news of the massacre at Guernica had reached Paris.
Eyewitness reports filled the front pages of Paris papers.
3. Some people criticized Picasso's cubist style because they could not
understand his symbolism. Picasso answered his critics, “It isn’t up to the
painter to define the symbols.
4. We get the feeling that they can't get away from the horrors of war; they are
trapped in their suffering.

Task 4.
a. Read the article again. Underline any unknown words. Try to guess their
meaning from the context. As a class discuss the meanings of the words.
b. In pairs, scan the text and find the words below. Then, match them to their
1. immense a. slaughter
2. massacre b. cruelty
3. crammed c. stab and cut
4. civilians d. overcrowded
5. brutality e. huge
6. helplessness f. citizens
7. interpret g. defenselessness
8. depicts h. wall painting
9. pierce i. understand and explain
10. mural j. shows

Task 5.
In groups of four, discuss:
a. What made Picasso paint “Guernica”?
b. Why do you think the painter chose to use only black and white?
c. What message is the painter trying to send?
d. Why did Picasso choose not to explain his symbolism?
e. Which other forms of art do you think are effective in protesting against

Task 6.
Watch the video .
What effect does the 3-D animation have?
How does the musical background influence the viewer?

Work in Groups. Choose one of the following tasks.

Task 7.
Do some research. Find out more about Picasso and his life. Write his biography.
Task 8.
a. You’re an art critic. Write a description of Guernica.
b. You were there! Imagine you were a survivor of the bombing in Guernica. Write
about your experience
Task 9.
a. Add to the painting! What else would you add to Picasso’s masterpiece?
b. Draw your own painting or design a poster making a statement against the
brutality of war.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

"The Wall of Brain"

Can we help our brains grow? What is a fixed and what a growth mindset? After having read, researched, discussed done questionnaires and come to serious conclusions about the power of the brain we managed to bring our brainpower together and create posters for the "Wall of Brain". 
Yes, we can (almost) all agree that the brain has the power to grow, change and help us succeed in anything we choose to do. It takes hard work and there is challenge and effort involved of course but it's all worth it in the end. The video below shows our work for the creation of Growth Brain Posters....